Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 100

One hundred straight days doing yoga.
One hundred straight days meditating.
But what blows my mind the most is that I am still writing this blog after O.N.E. H.U.N.D.R.E.D. days. I don't know how this is possible, but here I am again. Just eight more days and we'll be done! There will be some who will go for round two, some will do other yoga programs and some of us will mix it up our own way. The important thing is to keep at it because we have all seen the huge benefits we get from taking care of our body and mind, yes?
Me for one, am looking forward to setting my own schedule at my own pace. Doing the classes I like, dropping the ones I don't, retaking my much missed Pilates and specially going back to the yoga studio. So many things to look forward and so many things to feel proud about! But we'll talk about those things on Day 108, when we take a look back and a peek into the future.
Today was our "day off" with Mountian Pose series. I took care of that in the morning and just spent the rest of the day doing errands and whatnot. One of those "errands" was giving my dog a much deserved bath and now my back is telling me how much it appreciated being abused that way. Pfft. At least the dog is squeaky clean.
For lunch we had chicken soup with veggies. I am keeping it light because my stomach is upset from some meds I am taking. Just annoying, that's all.

In the afternoon I did my Frankentoesies again -abusing the back some more- and just obsessing about the stupid amount of dust there is everywhere because today we had some walls repainted and the dude did some sanding at some spots -a lot of spots, actually-. Even though he cleaned up and I cleaned up some more, flecks of dust are everywhere. Gotta keep calm and wait for cleaning people to come on Thursday. *breathe in, breathe out*
For dinner I had a ham and cheese sandwich. Still taking care of that upset stomach.
Tomorrow is our last CrossTrain class of the program! How exciting!
Hope you all had a memorable 100th day and are feeling beyond proud of yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't get into the meditating. The best I do now is put on a guided meditation at bed time and then fall asleep to it. Whatever works, right? Ha ha!! Meditation is zzzzzzzzzzzz.
