Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 101

Today was the best CrossTime practice I have ever had in the UY program, I think.
This morning, after the usual running around and trying to get things done, I rolled out my mat and got to it -Hardcore was taken care of earlier-. From the beginning till the end it was such a satisfying experience! All the flows, the breaths, the balances, and even the yogi push ups were done effortlessly. Bound side angle was not panicky at all and the last standing flow sequence is one of my favorites in all the DVDs, so I am always happy when we reach that point.
By the end of the class I was in a very mellow mood and it kinda stuck for the rest of the day. CrossTrain is going to be a regular in my post UY schedule, that's for sure.
I am still nursing this icky stomach, so for lunch we had some teriyaki chicken with potatoes and mixed greens salad on the side.

In the afternoon I just hung around the house enjoying that the painting dudes are done and gone. Now tomorrow there's cleaning up and I'm hoping the remaining dust will be gone. It's driving me up the walls that most of my books got dusty. Those books are ma' babies!! Pfft.
So here's another insight for you guys on Spain. Today, the news reported that there have been 924 protests in the city of Valencia alone from January through July. That means that there have been an average of 4-5 protests a day. Now I live on one of the main streets of the city; so that means that at least three of these protests happen right outside my home. How much fun is that? A shitload is how much! Then people wonder why I am so reluctant to live here. Some people wonder why I am longing for that day when we can pack our things and leave. It's not only the nuisance of having the protesters outside making noise, littering, messing up with traffic and destroying property; it's the general sentiment people have here. People are angry, bitter, rude, upset, short: a delight.
On a side note: not everyone here is like that: I have met some wonderful people and made really good friends. They are hard working, fun loving people; but those people don't hang with me everyday and what I am left to deal with is with uneducated fools that think they are better than everybody else. I said it before and I will say it again: Spain is very pretty and lots of fun FOR VACATIONING. Living here? Well, that's a whole other story that I will soon write down and try to get published, much to some people's discomfort *I don't give a shit, by the way*.
But, I digress. Doesn't it blow your mind that there have been 924 protests in 7 months? In the same place? It blows mine for sure. Ah well, might as well enjoy that all those hard working protesters have all gone to the remote villages where they hail from to vacation and enjoy the semi-peace and quiet. Semi because now I have drunk-assed tourists walking up and down my street in the wee hours of the night. Guess we can't have everything in this life, huh? Bleh.
Moving along, for dinner I am having another ham and cheese sandwich and a doughnut for dessert. I am raving hungry, so cut me some slack ;)
Tomorrow is the last time that I do Strength because I HAVE TO. Next time I do it, it will be because I choose to. Let's just hope I choose it often enough so that I don't loose my nice lookin' arms ;)
Also, tomorrow I'm off to the beach for the day; after all it's Thursday and where else am I gonna spend a random Thursday but at the beach? Hehe.
Have a lovely 101 yogi peeps!


  1. Hmm - I remember some particularly loud tourists walking down the street one spring... not really night, more like daybreak...

    1. Ha! That's right! I still wonder why they didn't have any breakfast somewhere. It was breakfast time, not knocking on wrong door time ;)

  2. Made it to day 101. Unbelievable !!! I feel like this week is bitter sweet - can't wait to get done but also end of a journey!! Going to keep reading your blog till the end :-)

    1. Uma!! You are almost there!! Huge accomplishment, yes? I am so happy for you. It is truly a great feeling when you finish those 108 SS and see how far you have come.
      Thank you so much for reading my ramblings and being a supporter. I really appreciate it and I hope I was able to help in some way.
      Yoga on, sister!
