Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 92

So today's Monday and it doesn't feel like Monday at all. Thank God for vacations!
Today we did pretty much the same as yesterday: lazy Monday spent poolside. I left Hardcore and Vitality for later in the evening because it was super hot today.
We had nice grilled steaks with chorizo and chistorra on the side. We have a brick grill outside, so Chef Andoni is making good use of it.

So, today Deepak and Oprah's 21 day meditation challenge began and I had signed up, so I got my email with the first meditation link in it. After lunch I settled down under the shade and put on my earphones (no one came and talked to me, thank God!). I clicked start and Oprah welcomes you to the meditation program. All that is fine and dandy till good ole Chopra starts talking. I had never heard Deepak speak and I don't know what I was expecting but I certainly wasn't ready for his accent. I mean, that's super duh of me because what other nationality can a guy named Deepak Chopra have but Indian? Duh, right? So he starts talking and I start giggling like an idiot because in my mind I could only see Peter Sellers guiding me through meditation in his character from the movie The Party. If none of you have seen that movie, watch it tonite: hilarious! And his accent? Spot on! So I tried to keep it together through the 15 minute meditation, but I couldn't really keep my cool. I'm afraid these remaining 20 meditations are going to be a hoot and can't wait to listen to him again. Epic fail is what that is.

Peter Sellers

Anyway, after my succesful mediation session, I did Hardcore first, rested a bit and then did Vitality. Anyone else out there hating the three bow pose part? Holy crap! My arms get super tired from stretching and pulling! I do like one part about Vitality and that is the circular rag doll. I could do that for hours! Feels so good on my back and neck. But that's about it. That and Shavasana. Ha!
For dinner we'll have some gazpacho and ham and cheese sandwiches.
Tomorrow we head to the Alhambra and will spend the day there. I will take lots of pics to show you later and some with the iPhone so I can post those tomorrow.
Hope you had good start of your week and we'll talk some more tomorrow.


  1. Ohhhh, I'm with you. I LOVE the circular rag doll! A yummy stretch.
