Today was a lazy morning. We planned on staying in today, so we took it slowly. Sometime close to noon I did Hardcore just to get it out of the way for later.
We spent the day fooling around by the pool and getting our skin nice and toasty. Mikel is doing so much better from his ear but is still wearing those earplugs. He is truly a little clone of me, because when he's had enough pool time, he goes and lays under the sun to relax. Check him out:
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Anyway, we got hungry close to 3:00 pm and had a very savory oven roasted chicken with a salad on the side.
After lunch I completed day 3 of Deepak's meditation challenge -still giggling at times- and read a bit under the shade. A bit later I got to CrossTrain with ease because it's one of my favorites. I love the flow of that class, specially the balance segment. I am not sure why, but I am deeply drawn to balance poses in yoga -not inversions mind you, but balancing ones-. I feel that it's when I concentrate the most and when I am more in tune with my breath. My mind is super calm and after the sequences my mood is lifted immensly. I am looking forward to those arm balance workshops I'll schedule for when we are done with our 108 days. Just hoping I can learn new ones and improve on the ones I can do already. Every day that passes we are one step closer! Still can't believe we're 14 days away...
For dinner tonite we'll be having some scrambled eggs with ham and fresh fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to finish my book tonite and go to bed at a decent hour.
Tomorrow we'll spend the day in Granada just walking about, bar hopping and souvenir buying. No clue when I'll do Strength and I don't wanna think about it too much -God, how I avoid that class-.
Sending good vibes all the way from Sierra Nevada!
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