Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 99

Thank God for Day 99 in where I get to do Vitality for the last time!
This morning as I sent my son off to his sailing camp, I did Hardcore to be able to fully concentrate on that tall glass of Vitality being drunk por última vez.
After doing some chores and whatnot, I rolled out that mat with a big fanfare, pressed play and did Vitality with such force and contempt it must have looked hilarious.
Chair Pose and gazillion Breaths of Fire? Done.
Lion's Breath making a scary face? More than done: did those laughing.
Tortuous and endless Bow Pose? Oh hell yeah.
Adiós Bitchacho Número Dos.
Moving along. No use in dwelling here.
Husband and I decided to enjoy a nice lunch seaside as we killed time to pick Mikel up from camp. We had salpicón de marisco -that seafood cocktail, remember?- and this time I did take a picture of it:

We spent the rest of the afternoon having some drinks in this lovely restaurant that overlooks the beach. I guess we needed some grown up time ;)
Something soooo Spanish happened today at the restaurant: there was this very nice Italian dude sitting in the table next to us having a coke, right? When the waiter came around, he asked for a sandwich because he was hungry and because it's a restaurant, yes? Well waiter said no. That the kitchen was already closed. -The time was 4:00 pm-. In another table there was a couple with a toddler who was having an ice cream. Italian dude asks waiter for an ice cream. Waiter says no. That those are for the children. Tells Italian dude to go to the little shop across the restaurant and there he can get an ice cream. WHAT THE FUCK? This is Spain for you people. Enjoy.
We picked Mikel up at 5:00 and he was one happy sailor. He was also one tired sailor and just plopped on his bed with his iPad when we got home. Gotta love that little sailing hobby!
For dinner tonite we are having some smoked salmon with chopped onions, capers and some cream cheese on the side. I am posting this early because I just have to go watch last night's Breaking Bad episode. Over here we have to wait one day for the lastest episodes to be uploaded, so that being said...


  1. Day 99, can you believe it? I love Vitality and am going to attempt the 15-breath wheel once I finish the challenge. Can't risk it now as don't want to get more injured than I already am lol!!! How bad is that?

    Oh the Spaniards are funny, aren't they? Ha ha.

    1. You are almost there!! Wohoo!! Mind that wrist: remember me and my neck. Learn form that! lol
      And Spaniards SUCK.
