Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 10

Why the hell was Strength so hard for me to do today? What happened? It was so not a pretty sight this morning. Or sound, for that matter: I kept huffing, puffing and grunting all throughout the class.
So, I went back and read Day 3 and now I know why. I did all my chadurangas on my knees and skipped the two sets of yogi pushups back then. Today I did all the chadurangas regularly and did the pushups on my knees. I guess that's why I feel so, so very tired. It's not that my arms hurt; it's that they are very tired. When my face itches, it makes me want to procrastinate scratching. Pfft.
I am glad I am doing this blog, though. Going back and reading how things went for me is making me see all the progress I am having and understanding what my body -and my mind- is feeling each day that passes.
Also, when I was right smack in the middle of class, someone rang the doorbell and it really pissed me off, so that made me hate the class even more. I just wanted to turn off the tv and crawl back in bed for a nap. A sweaty nap -gah!-. But I didn't! I pulled through and did cursed Hardcore after. I also ate 2 white chocolate covered Oreos, so there: in yo face Strength! *oops*
Ok. Disregarding that last Oreo bit, *I keep telling myself it never happened* I had a such a good lunch today! Wonderful husband made a vegetarian tortilla soup that was just what my tired self needed.

I thank God he cooks and that he cooks so well! I just can't find the time of day to cook lunch at all. Travis isn't kidding when he says that this yoga challenge does take away a huge chunk of time off your day. I need more hours!
For dinner I had the leftovers of the soup and a small fruit salad with apples, pears, red plums and bananas. Nice and fresh!

All right people! I am glad the worst is over and we can now bliss out tomorrow with Yin. *yay!*
I will see all of you tomorrow! Are you ready? -we never are Travis. We just nod so you won't make us do more yogi pushups-


  1. I realize I'm a year late, but I'm really enjoying your blog! I just finished my day 10 and I couldn't be more exhausted...but I feel great.

    1. Hey Nikki! Sorry it took so long for me to reply! I hadn't checked in a while and that won't be happening again since comments like yours bring a huge smile to my face.
      I hope you are doing well on your UY journey and are improving on all aspects day by day. It is tough; but it sure is worth it.
      Let me know if I can help in any way!
      Thanks so very much for reading my blog and my ramblings ;)
      Yoga on!

  2. Strength is a b***h and those forearm plank holds are the invention of the devil!!

    But 10 days down, and 'only' 98 to go!

    I know we are connected on FB but I still read your blog every day and I love commenting as I feel like I have a partner on this yoga journey. Yoga on!

    1. Yes! I love reading your comments here because I go back and read what I wrote and it takes me back.
      Strength is awful. The worst. Hated it then and hate it now.
      Go and have yourself a nice dinner. You deserve it ;)
      Yin tomorrow: yay!
