Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 17

Strength today. My nemesis. I have to confess it was a little bit better today. I did the whole class like last time. Full chadurangas and yogi pushups on my knees to give myself a little break. Those side arm balances still kick butt! There's a point during the side arm balance flow that I swear my arms are about to snap right in two. They shake and wobble like a mother! And then when you think you can't take anymore... the class is over! Phew! I did feel tired the rest of the day, but not nearly as much as I did last Wednesday, so we can call this improvement, yes? Arms tired, but I am not as useless as before.
I had cleared my day thinking I was gonna be exhausted, so I spent a couple of sweet hours just lying under the sun in my terrace right after class. Life is good, even after Strength class. Ha!
For lunch on this gorgeous Spring day -welcome back!- I had a pasta salad with veggies. The pasta is organic and it's made with rice, tomatoes and spinach. Never had it before and it's a winner. Here's a pic of it so you can look for it and try it:

The veggies in the salad are cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, celery bites and capers sprinkled with olive oil and kosher sea salt.

After a dentist's appointment in the afternoon *wohoo!...pfft*, I had for dinner a sliced turkey breast and prosciutto sandwich on toasted rye bread. I added some watercress, mozzarella cheese and dijon mustard. I also had a bowl of the chicken and veggie soup leftovers we had from yesterday.

Short and sweet today. Don't wanna jinx this progress I am seeing. Tomorrow? Yin. Yay!
Sweet dreams ;)


  1. This was a hard class for me .. arms were just too tired ! Hopefully gets better.. I made pork chips and a side salad inspired by one of your meals from earlier on - so delish !
    Looking forward to yin tomorrow - I need to stretch. How do you stay in shape now - do you still do some of these UY classes!

    1. Hi Uma!
      Strength is definitely the toughest class of this bunch. I dreaded it even after I finished the program. My upper body strength has always been on the meh side and doing a class that is focused on that area always left me drained. But fear not! You do see results! By the end of the program you will have beautiful toned arms and killer shoulder definition. And yes: Yin couldn't come at a better time ;)
      After I finished UY, I kept at it and did it again twice around -with some modifications- I truly love yoga and I believe it keeps me centered.
      Unfortunately these days I am staying away from strenuous activity because I have a herniated disc on my neck and doctor recommends taking it easy for a while.
      Do you have any plans for when you finish UY?

    2. I cannot imagine doing this twice more lol!!! Maybe I might feel different afterwards but right now, NO! Ha ha.

      I think when I finish, I will go back to doing my low-impact weight, HIIT and cardio work outs with Jessica Smith on YouTube a couple of times a week. Then I will do maybe two of the UY discs a week.

      I also want do Yoga 30 for 30. Maybe as a fall challenge. But I am going to enjoy my summer for sure!

    3. If you do the 30 for 30 program let me know what you think. I'm interested to see if they managed to give it a whole other vibe other than the UY.
      I never thought I would do it all over again, to be honest. I guess that by the time I was done I was so fit it wasn't so hard and challenging and I was up for another go. I do remember being bored to death hearing the same anecdotes and jokes over and over and over and over again, hehe.

    4. Ha ha ha I can imagine. Travis' jokes still make me chuckle at the moment. My hubby is quite chubby bless him and works full time so he is thinking of starting 30 for 30 before me. He doesn't have the time or the inclination to do UY. I will definitely keep you posted.

  2. Okay, so today I kicked the side plank's ass! Unfortunately, the forearm plank kicked mine! I do love Strength as even though it's hard, I can see huge improvements from the last two weeks.

    I am soooooo happy tomorrow is Yin!!! ❤️

    1. Good for you!!! Forearm plank is a *itch! Hurts like a mother! You will get there, you'll see ;)
