Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 24

Strength is the mother of all things unholy. It is one mean class! I have definitely progressed in it because I am able to do it all the way through and without any modifications; but I am dog tired afterwards. I went back and read those first Strength classes and I was useless for the rest of the day. That is not the case anymore, but it is a very challenging class. All those chadurangas? Yogi pushups? Blasted side arm balances? My lower body can take all that's coming; but my arms are screaming for it all to stop. And then... guess what? You are not done because there's Hardcore coming your way and more sphinx pose plank damnation! Oh Lordy. Please let me hear those sweet words "Congratulations. You made it through Hardcore..." *I don't know what comes next because by then I have turned the tv off telling Travis to just shut it. Hehe.*
On a side note, after I am done with this 108 cycle, I had mentioned that I was gonna ask Travis for some guidance as to keep the program going but with the weekends free. I also plan to ditch the Hardcore class and just do my Pilates workout that I love so much. I feel like I work my core more with Pilates; and the class is longer and more challenging. I discovered Pilates in Scottsdale, AZ with Niece Pecenka. What a woman! What a class! I was sad to go and miss those killer workouts with her; but was ever so happy when I found out she had released two DVDs with the classes we used to do at the gym. I leave you with her info if any of you are interested, because this is the perfect complement to these UY videos. Her website is
Moving along, I had a very late lunch today due to an appointment I had at my son's school. Husband and I went to an italian restaurant around the corner and I was naughty. Oh so naughty. I had the most creamy delicious gnocchi in a four cheese sauce. Check the goodness of it all:

For dinner I wasn't very hungry because it had been such a late lunch, so I just had Greek yogurt and a peach.
Tomorrow I have another pretty hectic day, so I am specially looking forward to that nice, quiet and relaxing Yin hour ahead of me. Let's stretch these overworked muscles!
Namaste y'all!


  1. Did NOT enjoy Strength today! I am having a hard week as feeling quite fatiqued each day. Not sure why as I am sleeping and eating well. Just one of those things I guess. And hallelujah, it's Yin tomorrow! Yin, I love you! ❤️

  2. Oh no! I am sure it is from killer Strength! Hang in there and treat yourself to something yummy tonight ;)

    1. I've made sushi rice so will have that with some raw tuna and salmon. I also have it with crab sticks, prawns and avocado.
