Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 9

Here it is! Dreaded Cardio Day 9! I confess I was so not looking forward to today's practice. If you go back to Day 2 of my blog, you can see how things were for me the last time I did Cardio. Not good. At all.
Well, today I got to it fast because I wanted to get it over with. As I started, the flow of the class was fine, just like last time. When I got to the crazy part, I was able to do it just like last time, but with the huge difference that all my chadurangas were done fully and not on my knees. I guess it was the inital shock of starting the program that threw me off balance on my upper body strength last week because chest and arms aren't nearly half as sore as they were before.
Now, last time I had to take two breaks during the manic 10 round of Warrior I series. Today I only rested for 2 rounds and got right back to it, so there is DEFINITELY a lot of improvement. I still was drenched in sweat at the end and my face was just as red; but I was able to do my hair quite nicely after I showered -ha!-.
I want to leave something clear. I STILL HATE THIS CLASS. I feel very proud of myself for performing way better than last time; but Cardio is just not my cup of tea. I feel like a maniac doing the same pose quickly over and over. I know: that's what Cardio is, but I still H.A.T.E. it. I can't ever see myself saying: "Oh how lovely! It's time to do Cardio again! Bless my heart!". E.V.E.R. Actually, I spit in the face of Cardio *pthew*
Ok. I'm all done venting. Let's move on to food! Since Cardio *pthew* drains me, I need a hearty lunch these days. Today I had a seriously delish grilled pork chop with a side of oven roasted baby carrots. Can you hear the angels singing?

I'm still not feeling the need to snack, so yay for that! -hope it lasts-
For dinner I had another delicious piece of heaven. It was elver and crab meat stuffed avocados with some fresh goat cheese on the side. The elvers are natural in olive oil and the crab meat was dressed in a light mayo and chipotle sauce. Oh damn.

Well fellow yogis and yoginis. It's time to call it a night and say a little prayer to see how Strength treats us tomorrow. Hasta maƱana!

1 comment:

  1. Day 9 Cardio

    Drinking and yoga do not mix well. I was nursing a mild hangover and putting away Christmas decorations but I'm glad I was able to survive the class using mostly my knees to push me up from the movements. I had a nice sweat. My favorite part of the class was noticing that my back opened up- The forward bends on the floor opened the thoracic and lower back region. I love plow pose. It's a satisfying pose. Towards the end of class my arms shook and definitely worked up a sweat. This class is long and exhausting.
