Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 8

Today I got to do the class a bit later than usual since I had a lot of backed up chores to take care of.
When I finally got to it I was a bit concerned thinking that it might be harder than the first time because of how sore my arms had been. Well, that was just my mind playing tricks on me, because I did the whole class just fine. I went back and read Day 1 and saw that my thighs had been burning a lot through the warrior sequence. Today they did burn, but not as much. I got through the series better than before and that really brought a smile to my face -there's hope!-. I was also able to do all 10 yogi pushups (on my knees) and all my chadurangas normally.
Cross Training is such a complete class! Like Travis says in the beginning it does touch all of fiteness' main points and gives your body a total workout.
I have a little confession to make... I do sneak in an extra inhale and exhale every now and then. It's not that my breath gets choppy or compromised; it's just that I need an extra inhalation. I am excited to see how long it will take me to control the breath completely.
As for lunch I had a very savory seared ahi tuna steak salad with a mustard and Balsamic vinaigrette. Thank God for my hubby and his culinary skills ;)

For dinner I had my usual sliced turkey breast sandwich on toasted spelt wheat bread. What can I say? It's quick, easy and yummy.
That's it for Monday! Not bad at all, really. I'm just scared outta my pants for tomorrow's Cardio class. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. *hehe*

1 comment:

  1. Day 8- I may have overdone it for Day 7 adding an Ashtanga Primary Series along with mountain pose and meditation. Cross Training was rough bc I was very tight and fatigued but glad I did it. I noticed that the right side of my body is tighter than my left especially in the pretzel twist in the standing series. I can't grab my hands when i'm twisting my torso on the right side but i can do it on my left. My bridges are getting stronger as I use my pelvic muscles to start the movement and certainly squeeze my bottom to lift. I enjoy cross fit, it never disappoints.
