Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 2

In the name of all that is holy what is this Cardio nonsense? Holy chakra was this hard! Just sitting here typing hurts. My hair is a mess today because I wasn't able to blow dry it properly -arms are useless- Oh dear. I found this class to be a tad too much. I love and adore yoga and I can pull off a mean class pretty well, but this? Just not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong: I will do it all through the 108 days -through tears-, but I don't think I would ever play it again on it's own for me to practice along. When Travis says "I feel sick at six"? I was in child's pose at six, bro. "I feel great at eight"? I was trying to go to my happy place, which YOU STOLE! Makeup today? Not for me: I still look like a red tomato from all the blood pumping to my face. I used to hate Mondays. Not anymore. Tuesday is my day in hell now. Next time someone tells me that "Yoga is boring and not challenging enough. I like a more dynamic class that actually benefits my muscles" (I have been told that. Many, many times.) I will high five that person in the face. Hard. And then Imma give 'em this jewel of a DVD called Cardio and tell them to knock themselves out. Oh man! I'm laughing like an idiot right now and tears are streaming down my face. Not sure if they are from laughing or from my body hurting so much.
Anyway, today was my husband's birthday, so we went out for lunch. I had a very refreshing gazpacho alongside a mixed salad. Then I picked on my hubby's steamed mussels. Nom nom.

Very refreshing lunch on a hot, sunny day

Gorgeous steamed mussels

Not snacking today either, so yay for me! I did have a heavenly iced tea in one of my Ball vintage blue mason jars that arrived today from the US. I love these little jars: so cute.

Thank God for Teavana and Amazon!

For dinner I'll have a sliced turkey breast sandwich on toasted spelt wheat bread with some greens inside and a red apple. Not gonna put up a picture of that because well, it's just a turkey sandwich.
Ok people. That's it for today. Advil is my friend and I will be taking a couple more for bed. Hopefully tomorrow's class will be more doable. And hopefully Tuesday will take a long, long time to get here again. But most important: hopefully Cardio DVD won't end up as a frisbee flying out of my terrace next Tuesday.
Ale over and out.


  1. You did better than I did hon! I had to modify almost everything!

    1. Hi Jay! It was truly challenging; but hopefully it will get easier. For our sakes :)

  2. Oh dear - I am worried now. I was actually thinking I'd do the small video tonight and try to fit day #2 in late so I could catch up - but dude, I am waiting til manana now --
    I will just remain a day behind!

    1. Oh yes babe. Do it till tomorrow beacause this is a tough one. I think you can catch up over the weekend, since the Mountain Pose one is pretty mellow.

  3. This post is hilarious! Thanks for sharing and keeping it real!!! Looking forward to reading about day 3. Rich

    1. Day 3 is Strength. Watched the video before doing it and it looks challenging, but not as brutal as Cardio. I hope... Stay tuned!

  4. When he said, "This is the first cycle of 10" i literally stopped and looked at the TV and screamed, "WHAT????"

  5. Tuesday (your day 2) was a bike interval workout on my bike trainer. Ladder of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 sprints with 30 seconds rest in between. You feel like puking before you are done.

    I cannot wait to hear about your Day 3...

    1. That sounds painful. Today was painful too. I am working on the blog right now, but I think I will post later tonite. Keep going and aim high! There ;)

  6. It was very painful. Glad it is over!!!

  7. I did the cardio today and oh boy I almost cried! I only did like 5 cycles and rested in child's pose sweating like a pig!! hahah

    1. Hahahaha!! I feel your pain Marisa! I was once there. Today was Cardio for me too and I am now on day 49 and trust me: it does get easier. Way easier. You'll be doing the 10 cycles no problem: I promise. Hang in there and keep sweating ;)

  8. Cardio and yin yoga are my least favorite class.
    I seriously have to clear my mind and just breath through it. It’s defjniteky a love hate relationship.

    1. Oh no!! Those were two of my faves! Give it time: this program is a long one and things will start to shift and ‘click’ once you get in the full rhythm of it.
      Do keep me posted as you progress!
