Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 7

Hello Mountain Pose, Pranayama and Meditation!
What a wonderful practice for this gorgeous sunny day. Completely relaxing, fulfilling and a perfect ending to a very hectic week. I've got to admit this first week of the 108 UY program just flew by. The first couple days it flew by in a world of pain -ha!- and from day 3 till today it was a very pleasant cruise.
I found the Mountain Pose series very relaxing and I could feel my shoulders really appreciate the nice movements created for them. I just wish I could practice in the same location where the video was filmed. What a gorgeous and inspiring setting!
For Pranayama, I started really well; but by the fourth set of breathing through covered nostrils and holding the breath I had to stop and breathe normally. I felt like I was running out of breath and hated the sensation. Hopefully this is due to me being a novice in the practice of Pranayama and this condition will improve. I just had to take a big breath! Gah!
Mediation was very nicely guided and I was able to fully immerse in it. The music was very nice as was Travis' narration. This is another section of the program that I hope I will improve on as time goes by. Meditation is quite the challenge for me since my head is always swarming with thoughts.
Moving along, today I had for lunch slowly grilled chicken with a side salad of fresh tomatoes and avocados. Told you it was the prefect day to be outdoors and break out the grill!

After a busy afternoon, I had a sandwich with some leftovers of today's grilled chicken on toasted spelt wheat bread and some fresh goat cheese. Not bad for a Sunday, eh?

So, week 1 is done. 7 days gone and 101 more to go. Whew! May tonite's sleep recharge my energy so I can face head on this coming week's challenge and freakin' Cardio. *sigh*


  1. One week down!!! What an accomplishment! Loved reading your posts about Days 5, 6, & 7. Sounded like you were much more at peace than the Cardio day. :)

    This weekend I swam 1.5 miles, rode 56 miles and ran 11 miles. June 2nd is nor far off. I am still so jealous of your 108 days. I cannot wait to start...

    1. Thanks Rich! I have to admit it is getting easier. I don't wanna say it much because I don't wanna jinx it ;)

  2. Week one done, woooo hoooooo!!

    Cross training tomorrow, booooo hooooooo!!

    Lol x

  3. Day 7 Mountain Pose- Hmmm I'm not sure about this class as I would like to feel I actually did something. I'm sure neurologically it provides balance and inner peace but I like to sweat and work hard. I think that is why militant classes like Ashtanga Yoga and Bickram appeals my personality best. I don't think I will do this section of the Ultimate Yogi again.

    Pranayama and Meditation- This section of the class I enjoyed. This is my first meditation/breathing class and curious to explore more. Towards the middle of this class I saw the chakra colors floating around my third eye. However the color that stayed in my practice was purplish blue. You have to have patients and an open mind for this class. After this practice I did Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series because I needed more.

    I may have wore myself out today but plan on going to bed early. Good night.
