Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 4

And along comes Yin! I have read that some people find this class very challenging; even more than Cardio. Well, not me. I freakin' loved this class! It was just what I needed: a nice long stretch to heal all my sore muscles. The music was fab, Travis' convo was perfect, I had my terraces open and a nice ocean breeze was flowing through... Heaven. I think the class schedule should be: Cross Training - Yin - Strength - Yin - Detox - Yin and so on. *notice no hellish Cardio there, eh*
To be honest, I struggled very much with stretching when I first started yoga 8 years ago. It wasn't until maybe 4-5 years ago that I was in a class in a yoga studio in Scottsdale, AZ that I was finally able to make that transition and give in to the stretch. It was all thanks to my fabulous yoga teacher Jenn Chiarelli, who one day during pigeon pose saw me struggling like a freak. She kneeled down and started massaging my spine and telling me that all I needed to do was to simply let go. Let go of the resistance, the pain and the struggle. She kept saying it over and over and then it happened. Like magic. I was able to relax and truly let go. It felt WONDERFUL! I couldn't believe I had been missing out on that sensation for so long. I even teared up a bit *nerd, I know* So now you can see why I love these kind of classes so much. So for anyone out there having a hard time stretching: really, just let go and enjoy the stretch. Your body will thank you.
Today for lunch I had a mixed greens salad with walnuts, pine nuts, crunchy onions and some avocado slices. I also had a chicken breast in a black pepper reduction sauce. There's no photo of the chicken because it wasn't picture pretty. Yummy? Yes. Pretty? No.

For dinner I had what I usually have for breakfast: a Greek yogurt, an All Bran fruit and fiber mini cake and a red apple all sliced up and sprinkled with some cayenne pepper. Weird I know, but tasty. I went super light for dinner because that black pepper reduction sauce at lunch was a bit on the heavy side, so I'm trying to compensate.

Tomorrow is Detox, which doesn't look scary at all, so hopefully it should all be good. My arms are much better today, so I'm hoping my chadurangas won't have to be done on my knees. Have a wonderful day and keep flowing!


  1. Thanks for the post. My hamstrings are hips are VERY tight and I cannot seem to loosen them up. My hamstrings are from years of running. I may be making small strides with yoga, but your "just let go" comment was very intriguing. Could you elaborate? I think my breathing is good, but my hips are tighter than... (insert your own analogy here, but they are TIGHT!!!). :)

    1. Well; I meant it in several ways. First you gotta stop resisting the stretch. We think we're not doing that, but trust me, we are. It's just about totally relaxing into it and breathing deeply while releasing. I also meant it by letting go of emotional excess bagagge or unnecesary situations in your life. Feels good to just let go.

  2. You were Right, I loved Yin! It was exactly what I needed, a super long stretch! I almost fell a sleep some of the times because I was so relaxed! However, because I knew this class would be mellow I did Kathryn Budig aim true yoga dvd (which I always loved) in the morning and it was a big mistake, my body wasn't ready for more challenges, just a stretch, so maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself and know that sometimes Yin it's all I need for the day.
    Thank you for your last comment, I've been peeking throughout the days ahead and loving your experience, the food and the way you write which is refreshing and honest. This journey is so much more than just another dvd program and I love that you see that too!
    I was wondering as well, besides UY do you do any thing else yoga or workout wise? I was thinking of sticking to just yoga and in the days that I need more, I'll add some other yoga practice as well (:

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Marisa! They mean the world to me, honestly.
      And I do get what you're saying about doing more because Yin felt so calm. Wait till you do Mountain Pose series! I have thought of sneaking in a full class those days because they feel like a "day off", you know? Well: don't. It's ok to have a day off or a less strenuous day class wise speaking. God knows this program is intense, and for cycle two it keeps increasing. It is a whole chunk of time we're investing in it, so it's actually a blessing to get a calmer day.
      I did Vinyasa and Power yoga and mat Pilates before the UY program and I have put them on hold while I'm doing the UY program. I do the classes in the order they are at and I do Hardcore on the days that's indicated. You'll see in later posts my plans for after completing the 108 cycle: just minor tweaks here and there because I do miss my Pilates; but I don't wanna risk overworking my body and finding myself unable to complete a class from this program. I wanna see the results UY brings by itself.
      I love reading your comments and seeing that there are kindred souls out there like you ;)
      See you on the mat tomorrow for Detox!

  3. I have to tell you - i am inspired by the food you post as well - am on a 10 day juice cleanse but as soon as I am done w that am going to copy your menu as I continue thru 108 days! Everything just sounds healthy and DELISH!!! I also read your day before blog post and YES who doesn't like looking good! My son is 10 months and I have been making excuses getting back into shape - no more! 108-4 and counting ! Namaste!

    1. Hi Uma!
      I am so happy you are enjoying the blog! It makes me so happy to see people actually read it, lol
      I do relate with you about eating healthy: it is quite a feat! I am always coming up with ideas to make it more attractive. I confess I do sneak in the occasional burger and/or taco, but I mostly try to stick to the healthy stuff.
      I am here to help in any way I can, so feel free to comment and I´ll get back to you asap.
      All the best and Namaste!

  4. Hi Alejandra,

    I love Yin too, though it hurt in its own way. I tried to let go like you said but when it got too intense in the five-minute holds, I eased off for a few seconds then went back into it again.

    I was a bit challenged with my meditation today. My hubby made so much noise so I had to stop a couple of times to tell him off. Ha ha, bless him. I left it for a while then meditated when I had a nice hot bath with the door locked lol. We do what we can, huh.

    I live all the way down in Bexhill, which is on the south coast. So almost at the opposite end of the country from you.

    Are you American? I went to university in San Francisco back in the day, graduated in 1991. Love the US.

    I am previewing Detox now, joy for tomorrow. I am going to be very mindful of injuries. My right wrist does hurt so I just took two ibuprofen.

    I am not doing the diet but have cut back processed food and alcohol. I am Chinese so we eat pretty healthily anyway. I want it to be sustainable and I also want to enjoy the programme.

    It's great to be able to connect with someone who has done it. I don't have a blog but am doing a photo/video-a-day diary album on my Facebook page. All my friends think I am nuts though!

    Speak soon, probably tomorrow!


  5. Hey Jan!

    I agree: Yin can be a bit painful on those stretches; but it will blow your mind when you see that, by the end of all this, you will be able to stretch much further than when you started. That folded forward stretch that lasts more than 5 minutes is a tad too long, for my taste though ;)

    I struggled a lot with meditation because I was approaching it the wrong way. At some point during the UY I decided to ditch it and do some quiet reading instead. Now that I have grasped meditation more, I absolutely love it. It is like my own quiet time and with time and practice, it does centre you. This all happened when I tried the Headspace app. Give it a look: worth the shot.

    I am actually from Mexico, ha! But have lived all over the place. Our plans are to stay here in Edinburgh for a long time. Have you been? It is such a lovely place!

    I think you will like Detox: some good twists and turns there. It really activates your system and flushes out the bad juju.

    Look me up in Facebook (Ale Ayala) so we can connect there too and I can see your UY posts. You are not nuts! I am right there with you, yogini :)

    Talk soon!

  6. Day 4- I must admit, I don't like yin yoga but yin yoga likes me. The stretching of the quadriceps is painful because my knees fight the stretch but I know I need it. After retrieving back to normalcy, I can feel new blood flowing through my knees- mush needed sensation- but I'm not going to lie, I don't like this class.

    I do however enjoy Travis messages and cues throughout the class. To me, yin yoga is love hate relationship but always grateful that I did it. It's not easy.

    1. Agreed. If you are not used to stretching and holding it for several minutes, this class can be a challenge. But know that, as in all, as you progress it will get easier ;)
