Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 14

Today was a much better day for me. I was able to get to my practice at a reasonable time in the morning and had a much calmer day than yesterday.
What can go wrong with Mountain Pose sequence? Nothing. It's just some nice calming movements that relax your body so it will be ready for the madness that comes during the week.
What I have discovered is that I really don't like the Pranayama part of the class. I read back to last week and saw that it was difficult for me to follow the long breathing exercises. Well, today it was even worse. I really can't breathe out for 10 counts and then hold my breath for 5. I go NUTS! I feel like I am running out of air and it makes me very uncomfortable and sweaty. I have to take a huge gulp back in and then all the exercise goes to the crapper. I tried every single time; but at some point I just ended up saying "oh screw it!" and gasped for air. I am able to do the smaller versions of Pranayama that Travis sneaks into the daily classes without a problem; but these longer exhalations and holds just make me feel awful. Will this ever improve? I'm not sure. It really makes me feel very antsy and not relaxed at all, which is the whole purpose of the exercise. At the very end when he says that it's common to feel "totally blissed out" I was like "Whaaaa?". Nope. Never. Is anyone out there going through this same thing? Hmm...
Moving along, for lunch today I had a grilled chicken breast stuffed with a mushroom ragout. On the side I had more of the ragout and some grilled broccoli.

For dinner I had an avocado sandwich with goat cheese on rye bread. Oh yes. It was fabulous ;)

I can hardly believe two whole weeks have gone by! I have seen much improvement in all aspects: better muscle tone, resistance, strength, balance, determination, happier thoughts, healthier eating... an overall feeling of well being. I am most certainly sure I did the right thing by signing up for this UY program. I also love the support and friendships I have made through the UY Facebook group. There are some pretty amazing people out there! And it's to all of you that I wish a happy Sunday and a right foot start on your Monday. See you on the mat for week three!

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