Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 19

Phew! Detox today kicked my butt! I could feel my thighs burning and my arms working it. My back was really grateful for all those twists; specially my lower back. By the time I get to the point where we're bending one leg and placing it behind the standing leg on the back of the knee I am ready to just go ploff on the floor. I gotta say my "slow and graceful" sitting down after that is anything but. All in all it was a sweet practice today: Detox is fab!
I am very happy today because I got to practice in my brand new Manduka mat! Look what came in the mail yesterday:

I got my mat, a mat bag and two lovely meditation pillows -much needed-. I love that the mat is extra long so I don't have to be scooching up or down during class. Also a big plus is that it's much more cushioned than the one I had before, so it is better for my wrists. I am one happy yogini ;)
For lunch I had an amazing wheat berry salad with cranberries and herbs. Very fresh and filling! You can find the recipe in Yoga Journal.

In the afternoon I had a fresh juice to break in the new juicer I got! The juicer is nothing fancy since I just wanna explore if I am into juices before buying something more professional -aka pricey-. The juice is made with beets, carrots and apples. The juicer was just fine and the juice came out pretty good: without any pulp and it was super tasty. I love beet in juices; I find that it gives the juice a very particular taste that makes you want to keep drinking it. Here's my little dude stealing a sip:

For dinner I had smoked salmon rolls stuffed with crab meat in a chipotle and mayo dressing. On the side I had some toasted spelt wheat bread. Oh yes.


Weekend up ahead! Gonna try and fit in those classes in the mornings as best as I can because, for me, practicing later in the day doesn't work. It messes up my mojo.
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I thought bloody Detox would NEVER end today!!! It seemed so loooooooooooong! I just wanted it to finish so I could have breakfast lol. But yay, it's the weekend so it means I can have a well deserved damson G&T this evening. I just ordered two more bottles this week ha ha. Cheers and have a good one, Ale and family! 🍹

    1. Oh those never ending classes... I remember them too well. But like you say: weekend is here, so pour those drinks and add the ice. Cheers and enjoy the weekend, my friend :)
