Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 13

Oh man. Gonna be completely honest here. I am not a fan of doing yoga on the weekends. It's enough for me to be investing all the time this program requires during the week so as to be stressing about doing it over the weekend. When I am done with this 108 sequence I'll contact Travis and ask for a recommendation as to how to do the classes leaving the weekends free.
Today was a super busy day for me and I ended up doing the Vitality class at 10:00 pm when all I wanted to do was sit, tune out and watch some tv or read my book. I really did it out of consistency and commitment. The class was fine like last time. I was just not feeling very up to it. There. Pfft.
For lunch we we went to a really good Italian restaurant here in town. While both my husband and son had a spicy pepperoni pizza and gnocchi in a four cheese sauce (looked delish), I had a very nice -and delish also- mixed greens salad with grilled prawns, caramelized tomatoes, anchovies and smoked salmon rolls stuffed with fresh crab meat.

For dinner I just went and had the same thing I have for breakfast. I was just too tired to cook something else, so it was fruit, Greek yogurt and an All Bran fruit and fiber mini cake for me.
Sorry if today's blog post is a bit unispiring and somewhat of a let down; but I'm just all pfft today.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a more peaceful day and enjoy Mountain Pose class. As for now? I'm most certainly signing out!


  1. oooh, that meal looks SCRUMPTIOUS!

    1. It was Jay! Specially the smoked salmon wraps... Yum!

  2. Made it to day 13 ! Still love reading your blog - i check it out after my class to compare notes and if coz to get ideas for food - got my husband to pick up goat cheese yesterday :-)

    1. Well done Uma!! Keep going at it and soon enough you'll see it gets easier. And goat cheese? nomnom
