Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 5

Detox for today. Real, serious detox. For me it was a wonderful practice for the body as well as for the mind.
Looking at the physical part first, I felt my organs really appreciate the nice squeeze I was giving them. My back, my chest, my torso... all of it! I did find some parts very challenging, like that "under the fence" move. Yeah. That wasn't happening today. I fell face first into the mat and just couldn't stop laughing to try it again. Oh well, maybe next time. Also, that last sequence where Travis had us standing on one leg balancing felt like an eternity. Thigh was on fire! The good thing about these strong poses is when you finally get to lower down that leg. Oooooo! love that feeling!
About the mind part, I had been struggling with a situation for a couple months now, and this class gave me that little push you need to just let go of things, people and attitudes we don't need in our life. Life is too short to spend it stressing about things and people that don't deserve our thoughts. People that don't want to be a part of our lives and are just looking for ways to see how they can hurt us really don't deserve another second of our time and energy. So, with that being said, I am very grateful for Detox today because it finally made me decide to just let go.

For lunch today, I had the most wonderful sesame quinoa spring rolls. Very fresh and with a splash of Sriracha it had quite the kick.

As for dinner I had sliced turkey breast ham with some fresh goat cheese and greens in a toasted spelt wheat bun. Just taking care of my soul ;)

Tomorrow is Vitality. I love yoga, but I am not loving doing yoga on the weekend. My weekends are very busy; busier than the week, actually, so I know it's gonna be challenging fitting those classes in somewhere. Ah well, that's the life! Gotta make the best of it and keep moving forward. May you sleep tight and may the bed bugs don't bite.


  1. Hi Alejandra! Again, thank you for your words in my latest comment, it always brings me more inspiration (:
    Yesterday should have been my detox day, but my body just couldn't handle it, and I didn't do it, I felt like I needed to rest because the day before was so brutal on my body a bit. I will not look at this as a fail because my goal was never to do the 108 days straight, which I know I won't be able to do it, but never thought that my body would give in so soon.
    Either way, I did detox and hardcore today and I choose to let go o yesterday thought of failing, and now I actually feel better about myself because I listened to my body and did what was right for me. This detox practice was really what I needed.
    I feel the same was as you, some people aren't just worth our thought or even our time, people come and go from our lives and we should learn the lesson and let go, so I'm really happy that you did!
    I really like pilates as well, or even barre workouts because they are low intensity which is what I like! I think I'll be doing this program like you and just go along with it, by the end of it I'll see what feels good for me. Thank you for your advice, can't wait to read what were your first thoughts on Vitality!

    1. Smart move Marisa on skipping the class if you weren't feeling up to it. It's smart to listen to your body in time and not regret a bad decision later. You don't wanna find yourself burnt at any point, specially at the very beginning, so keep adjusting and modifying as much as needed and things will flow on their own as they are supposed to.
      It's also smart to just stick to the UY program; and that's probably why you felt your body so overworked today after doing extra yesterday. We gotta keep doing the best that we can and feel good knowing that we are giving it our all.
      Hope you have a good night's rest so you can enjoy Vitality; and don't worry because Mountain Pose series is around the corner and that is one nice break you'll be getting.
      Stay strong!

  2. I loved Detox but you are right, Ale, I am only doing the UY programme and putting all my other workouts to one side for the duration. I have also taken up foam rollering and that has helped my sore muscles a lot. I also have some wrist supports on their way from Amazon and I think that will help me too.

    I used to live in Edinburgh with my first hubby at 6, Sunbury Mews. I still remember the address as I loved tha little house near the river. We were there from 1993 to about 1996. Then our marriage broke up and I moved back to Singapore where I am from originally. But now I am back in the UK with my second hubby.

    I have added you on Facebook so chat soon. Going to have a bath and do my meditation now. ��

    1. Ah!! Love hearing you used to live here! Isn't this place lovely?
      Singapore is on my top wanderlust list. We will make it there someday! When we do, you can point us in the right direction and recommend sights and whatnot.
      I'll go check FB and add you as well so we can keep in touch through there.
      Yoga on!

  3. Day 5- Due to old ballet injuries and miss use of my body in my youth, I'm very protective of my lower back. Based on the description of Detox, I thought I was going to look and feel like a pretzel afterwards but not today. I loved it!

    My body and breath allowed my movements to flow and be in the moment, quite beautiful really.

    As for Hard Core Yoga, I'm getting stronger. I was able to finish the dreaded plank series. Bravo
