Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 28

We made it through week four!! Wohooo!! Give yourselves a big pat on the back -I know I am-.
I really don't know how it's been four weeks already. Seems like yesterday I was struggling to get through Cardio and now we are facing our last week of the first part of the program.
I am really looking forward to Balance, Flexibility and Gentle. I will watch the classes through before doing them so I won't be caught with a look of whaaa? on my face once we start.
Also excited about the vegan diet by the end of this week. I have a couple of ideas I wanna try for those lunches.
Today was blessed Mountian Pose, Pranayama and Meditation. Thank God. It's exactly what I needed: a day of relaxing practice so I could recover from the madness of these past few weeks. It being the end of school year, everything had been piled and there had been lots of things to do. This coming week is going to be pretty busy as well; but I have completely recovered today.
I woke up at a pretty decent hour having had a good eleven hour sleep last nite. I took it easy during the class and Pranayama was a success again. No fretting or freaking about: did it nicely. Meditation went smoothly and I was ready for a nap after. Don't know how since I slept till late this morning, but hey..
After the class I had a nice lazy lunch out on the terrace. We had grilled chicken and broccoli on the side sprinkled with some sea salt, pepper and lime juice. The broccoli was grilled also.

I helped my kid study for a while after lunch and then spent the rest of my afternoon lying under the sun reading my book. Didn't need anything else in the world. Heaven.
For dinner I had one of those wraps, but this time instead of the pesto, I made a chipotle mayo and then added the mozzarella and prosciutto to it. Nice twist to it. Also a bit of a salad on the side.

All recovered, rested and happy, I head on to bed: ready to juggle next week's comings and goings and looking forward to those 36 Sun Salutations by the end of it.
Congratulations to everyone who has made it this far and let's keep the momentum going. 28 down, 80 more to go!!

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