Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 43

Mountain Pose Monday. What a relaxing way to start off the week, yes?
This morning I took my sweet time doing my chores around the house because I knew I had a relaxing class waiting for me. One of the things I did was clear out my son's closet -finally!- and take out all the clothes that didn't fit him anymore. I filled out two large trash bags! There are gonna be some happy kids -and trendy looking also- out there.
As I was checking out his clothes and deciding which ones we could keep and which ones we had to let go, my heart broke a little. It's amazing how fast time goes by! It seems like yesterday when he was a little toddler with a chunky diaper wearing bottom, and now he's this fit and lean all muscles boy. No more mama giving him a bath. He now takes showers by himself. No more wiping his mouth after a spoonful of soup. He does that by himself -sometimes-. No more trimming his cute lil' fingernails and toesies. His hands are close to being my size and his toesies stink of a soccer playing boy. No more holding my hand all the time while we're walking down the street. We hold hands now to cross the street only. I don't let go right away, but he does eventually. Oh man... Nothing we can do but keep growing with them and do the best we can to educate them so one day they'll be our better selves and lead a happy, full life. *sigh*
So, as you can see, clearing out his closet made me a bit heartbroken; but I am thankful that I get to clear out his clothes because that means he's one healthy, growing and very handsome boy. Here he is in one of my favorite pics of him of all times:

Moving along, Mountain Pose went fine. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I love the feeling of blood rushing back to my fingertips every time I come back to Mountain Pose. Anyone else feel this?
Anyway, Pranayama went smoothly: no more fretting or freaking *phew*, and Meditation with Travis' guidance is always a succes.
After a blissed out practice, it was already lunchtime. Today, the hubby chef made grilled lamb chops with sauteed green beans and scrambled egg on the side. It was very tasty, I gotta say. Take a look:

In the afternoon I had a therapeutic neck and back massage because I have been very tense lately with all the things that had been piling up and with my son switching schools. I gotta say it wasn't very relaxing, it being therapeutic, but the end result was phenomenal. My neck and back do feel looser and I will go back in one week for more.
I spent the rest of my afternoon finishing my book under the shade in the terrace. Such a good Monday! Who wouldda thunk?
For dinner I had a shrimp cocktail with avocados, onions, tomatoes and serrano peppers in a very refreshing homemade cocktail sauce. Nom nom.

Tomorrow we face off Balance! Get your sleep on because it's time to take that crow out for a flight.
Namaste everyone.

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