Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 55

So all I had planned for today went nowhere. By the time I woke up this morning, I was honestly too tired to go anywhere today. I love going out, walking about and eating at restaurants as much as the next guy; but at some point you just wanna hang at home, yes? So we decided to just chill for the day. I hope my mom and sis didn't get bored, but we really just wanted to take it easy for the day.
Today I did both Detox and Hardcore in the morning -closer to noon, actually- and it was tiring, but I just didn't want to have to roll out that mat for a second time today, so I got it all done and now I only have meditation waiting for me.
Detox and Hardcore were cool: it's all getting easier to do by the week and I hope I keep seeing this kind of progress for the rest of the program. Would hate to get in a slump and loose all this looking forward in seeing what I will do better with the next day, know what I mean?
What I did want to mention is that meditation issue. I have two things on my mind about it. The first one is that I was able to sit real well for ten minutes; but twenty is turning out to be too much for my legs to be in a first crossed legged seated position. I have tried doing meditation sitting on a chair with my back straight and both feet touching the floor; but then it's my middle back that starts to bother me. It bothers me so that I have to be moving to be able to remain there for twenty minutes. I have tried sitting on my different meditation pillows in different ways, but legs just start to tingle and numb up eventually. I HATE THAT. I have to straighten them out, then fold them back in and then straight out again and... meditation just goes to the crapper because I loose all focus.
I feel that I have tried every position there is and I just can't get any relief! I can't seem to find any position comfortable enough for me to sit still the entire time. Imagine what's gonna happen when we move up to half an hour?! Any thoughts or ideas on this, yogis? I need your help!
The second thing on my mind about meditation is that I feel that ten minutes are enough, at least for me. It would calm me down, clear my head and relax me really well. Twenty minutes? I am just not looking forward to meditate for that long. It's hard for me to stay focused that long -specially with the seating issue- and I am just wishing it to be over so I can go do something else... like reading.
I miss reading! I haven't been reading as much as I used to because this program -and life- is taking too much of my time away. I do most of my reading in the afternoons and before bed. Now I'm doing meditation on one of those times, so I'm getting to the point that I am resenting having to meditate. For me, reading is a sort of meditation: it calms me down, clears my mind and relaxes me so much. So I have been toying with the idea of just keeping my meditation for ten minutes for the rest of the program because instead of seeing any progress by increasing the duration of the meditation, I am actually seeing negative effects like the ones I just told you all about. What do you guys think? Any suggestions, thoughts, comments? I'd love to pick your brains on this issue, so drop me a comment here or in FB: I read them all.
Ok, so moving along now: like I said, we stayed home today so my husband went and bought some beautiful steaks because he was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms from his BBQ grill... hehe. So we had grilled steaks, chorizo and a mixed greens salad in a balsamic vinaigrette.

After lunch I relaxed for a bit on the terrace and then got to doing chores around the house that I had been neglecting. Never a moment of rest, huh?  I am really looking forward to getting back to my routine and being able to sit under the shade in my terrace and just loose myself in my books. Soon!
Anyway, for dinner I had fresh fruit that hubby brought home today from the farmer's market. I had fresh peaches, red plums, figs and bananas. I love, LOVE summer time fruit: so varied and juicy!
Tomorrow I'm off to the beach, so that means doing Cardio in the morning no matter what! But for now, I'm gonna watch a movie on the couch and just relax the night away.
Sending relaxing vibes to all of you out there!


  1. Made it to day 55! Gosh I find that this 2nd part day 36-72 is waaat harder then first 36 days. Maybe it's a combination of life becoming so hectic too ! I could totally relate to your blog today about just doing nothing - I need a day like that.. a week or month like that :-) hope your back is doing better ! Next year I wanna go on a Travis retreat !! Did you ever end up going !

    1. Yay! Day 55!! Well done, yogi ;)
      I never went to a Travis retreat. I actually signed up for one in Tulum, but it got cancelled, so I guess I lost interest after that because I stopped doing yoga due to problems with my back. Somehow I got injured and I have a herniated disc on my neck, so definitely no more yoga for me at the moment.
      I do know some of the other yogis I did UY with went and they all had raving reviews and loved the experience. You should definitely go to one!
