Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 42

You all know what I think about Cardio on a Sunday, right? Good. I won't be repeating myself then.
Yesterday I thought I would do it when we got back from the beach; but then I got to thinking and came to the conclusion that there was going to be no way in hell I was going to do Cardio after a whole day at the beach. After that shower I am always good and ready to plop down on my couch and just chill. That being said, I set my alarm for this morning and surprisingly enough -this is huge people: I never, ever set my alarm on Sundays- I got up. I had some breakfast, did some chores and then I was on the mat sweating like there was no tomorrow. This blasted heat and humidity are not the perfect combo for yoging around. I was sweaty, sticky and my face looked like a tomato. Good thing is that Cardio no longer kicks my ass and I am able to do it all very gracefully -amidst puddles of sweat, of course-.
I rolled up my mat and off to the beach we went. My! What a glorious day at the beach this was! I am a lizard and am always lying under the sun whenever possible, so I am one genuine beach bum. We sunbathed, read our books, took a swim in the ocean, played soccer with my son and had a blast.
For lunch we had some homemade sandwiches that I did not take a pic of because I honestly forgot. But you're not missing much, they were just sandwiches. I did take this pic just to make you a teensy bit jealous:

We got back home just in time for showers, dinner and bedtime. For dinner I am having a fresh fruit salad with peaches, apples, figs, bananas and red plums. You know me: I sprinkled some cayenne powder on top for kicks.

Tomorrow we have on our roster Mountain Pose, Pranayama and Meditation. As much as I hated having to do Cardio on Sunday, I am loving how relaxing this Monday is looking.
Well friends, sorry if today's post is a bit meh and short; but my fruit salad is calling my name and I am more than ready to catch up with my MsterChef and Mr. Ramsey. Have a good night and see you on the mat for week seven!


  1. I'd be even more jealous if I saw you being attended by handsome, sarong clad beach hunks... then I'd be green for sure!

    1. This is hilarious Jay! No sarong clad hunks over here, sadly. Lots of spandex wearing pot bellied men. *shivers*
