Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 30

Day 30. Nice round number. A vigorous Cardio flow for all of us on this day.
Today I decided to take my practice outside on the terrace. It was a lovely, breezy sunny day. Read: sunny as in not a cloud in the sky. The breeze came and went, but the sun STAYED. At first it was glorious doing the slow paced flow; even at the beginning of the first warm up series. When we reached the crazy series of 10 I was drenched: looked like I had jumped in a pool! It was a toughie I gotta admit. I did it all the way through but it felt tougher than before because of the heat. I DID burn 500,000 calories out there today. Ha!
It all cooled down after the crazy warm up series. By then every breeze that went by felt like heaven on my body. Loved the sensation! Afterwards, ice cold coconut water never tasted so damn good. So, call me crazy, but I will continue doing the classes outside. Works three ways: I enjoy the scenery and fresh air, I get more of a workout and I can keep working on my tan. There. It's decided.
For lunch I had a fresh pasta salad with that organic pasta from day 17, remember? The one that's made with rice, tomatoes and spinach. Anyway, this time it had celery bits, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers seasoned with sea salt, pepper, olive oil and garlic.

In the afternoon I watched the Balance DVD. Anyone seen it yet? Well, you'd better watch it before jumping into that class. Holy shit does this look like I'll be wanting to jump off a cliff. Sweet mother of Buddha! I will never complain about Strength again because Strength is Balance's bitch. Sorry for all the colorful language here, but you gotta watch that class so you'll see I'm actually toning it down. Can't even imagine doing that class, let alone back to back with Strength as it is marked on the UY calendar. Gonna die in Shavasana fo' shoe.
What I did love was Travis and his good soul. Bless his heart: he's so funny and good natured. A good guy, you know? One of the few ones left. He certainly has a gift as a yoga instructor. Well, I say that now. Let's see what I think of him once I do Balance...
Tomorrow I'll watch Flexibility and let you know what's going on there. Hopefully it won't be as intimidating, because if you see the students in the video struggling and falling out of the poses like in Balance, can you imagine how it's gonna go down for us? *scared crapless*
Moving along, for dinner I had yesterday's quinoa salad leftovers and a couple of fresh figs for dessert.
No choice but to face Strength and HardCore tomorrow. May the force be with us.
Ale over and out.


  1. checking out the Balance video now...sounds intriguing.

    1. Oh yes. Intriguing and downright complicated...
