Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 50

Yesterday I said that today was Mellow Monday. Well, it turned out to be a Manic Monday after all.
Again, no time to do Mountain Pose in the morning. We headed out to pick up my son's end of school year grades and his school is a bit far away. His grades were so very good -yay!- that we took him to have lunch at his favorite restaurant. I think I have written about that restaurant in the blog before and I think that I ordered the same thing; but just in case, here it goes again. I had a mixed greens salad with lots of yummies: anchovies, smoked salmon rolls with crab meat inside, fresh prawns, yellow corn and caramelized tomatoes all in a balsamic vinaigrette. Those caramelized tomatoes are so damn tasty it's redonkulous. Heres a pic:

After lunch we headed home; and while he played with his grandma, I got to Mountain Pose, Pranayama and Meditation. Did the first two fine and when I was halfway through the meditation, I started to doze off. Dear Lord. I hate it when that happens! I get woken back up with a startle once that head and torso start to tilt forward. I just don't know at what point I disconnect and my clear, calm mind decides it's time to nap and shuts off. Pfft. I have tried meditating in the mornings, in the evenings, at night, before a meal, after a meal... and I don't always doze off; but it's quite often. Oh well. One more thing that needs improvement. After all, that's why we're here for, yes?
Anyway, for dinner I had some fresh fruit, a Greek yogurt and an All Bran mini bar. So, in fewer words, I had breakfast all over again ;)
Tomorrow I will set my alarm one more hour in advance to get Balance done in the morning. Yay for Balance! I want to be fresh for the class and I also don't wanna push it all the way into the night and then be a piece of caca for Strength the day after.
So, with all that in mind, may you have a restful nights' sleep and I'll be back here blogging about life and whatnot tomorrow.


  1. I have pretty much given up on meditation. It's so boring!!!

    1. You will see that in a few days -or weeks, can't remember- I gave up on it too. I was approaching it the wrong way, so I stopped.
      Funnily enough, when I stopped doing yoga, I returned to meditation, and now I swear by it, lol.

    2. Ha ha ha. I do use meditation apps, but to help me fall asleep at night lol. I put one on and within 10 minutes, I am zzzzzzz.
