Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 37

Balance. Call me crazy but I actually liked Balance. I found it challenging enough but at the same time I was able to get through it all. Not all of my poses were perfect; but I think I got most of them nailed. Seems I was more intimidated by what I saw that first time and by what people were commenting in the Facebook group. I started the class a bit scared and worried about not being able to hold those strong poses and constantly falling down, so when I was able to do them, the class just sped by.
I did find some poses that are the work of the devil there; like the one where you're supposed to lift one foot while you are squatting down in a twist. Yeah? Well it wasn't happening. I just couldn't for the life of me lift it, so in the afternoon I watched the class again to see a couple of poses I had some doubts about. Well, when I got to that one about lifting the foot, turns out I was trying to lift THE OTHER foot and not the one Travis was telling us to lift. I gave it a quick try and I was able to lift it no problem. So yay for me!
Another weird one is where we are in dancer's pose and then we have to lower the hand to the floor and open the hip. Seriously? Not quite there yet. Dancer's fine, but when I put my hand on the floor everything just falls apart.
I also found I was not able to do crow or crane which I usually do because of all the sweat in my arms! My knees just kept skidding down! Next time I will wipe away the sweat before trying again. Summer, humidity levels on the rise and strenuous exercise can make any gal sweat like there's no tomorrow.
Before I had said that Strength was Balance's bitch, right? Well, I take it back. For me, having done all of the classes except Flexibility, Strength is the one I find the most challenging. I'm not very fond of it and I dread the day we have to do it; but I keep hoping things will change and one day I 'll face it with a smile on my face.
Another thing happened. If I was convinced before that these classes are in a specific order for a reason, doing Balance today mega super confirmed it for me. All that hard work with Cross Train, Strength and Cardio prepares the body in such a way that you can dive into Balance seamlessly.
Well, at least that was my experience today. I did see a lot of people having trouble with it in the Facebook group, so I was surprised to see that wasn't my case. We all gotta keep at it: practice makes perfect and this is what UY is all about.
So, for lunch today I had pork loin in a chile pasilla sauce with steamed cauliflower on the side. Cauliflower had a bit of butter, sea salt and pepper.

In the afternoon, after revising Balance I watched Flexibility and I wasn't intimidated by it at all. There are several warm up series very similar to the ones we already do in the other classes and at the end there's some deep stretching, which I love. I'm hoping it'll be a sweet one like Yin is, although I know it's more strenuous because of all the warming up. We'll see how it goes on Thursday.
For dinner I had one of my beloved wraps with pesto sauce, prosciutto ham and dried figs.

Tomorrow is Strength. Damn it.

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