Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 44

Oh how I love, love Balance! Everything about it: the warm up series, the easy balances as well as the bite down the bullet ones. Thighs, calves, ankles and even toes burn like ca-razy and I still love it. Some poses I can do off the bat and some I wobble a lot. On some I have to use a strap -same one as Lauren does- and on some I use a block -half moon pose-. Some I wobble extra and fall out of, but I always get back on. Funny though, it doesn't upset or frustrate me, as one would expect. Instead I take it all with a good laugh or giggle and try again. Don't know why, because I do get upset at certain points in other classes; but not on this one. I also love how funny Travis is in this class: really makes me laugh out loud. By the end I have this huge smile on my face and I feel tired, but the real good kind of tired. The kind that I would do it all over again to get that sense of satisfaction. In overall, I think it's safe to say this is my favorite class of all the DVD set.
I had a great surprise today when I was able to do the arm balance right where Travis says that those who want to, can go ahead and do the balancing on forearms. I had been practicing before on my own these past few days watching Francine's video on FB, so I decided to give it a go. When I was able to do it AND hold it for a few seconds I was all O_O. As soon as I finished the class I tried and bam! I could do it again. Over and over. Sometimes I fall quickly out of it, but sometimes I am able to hold it longer. Here is a pic of me doing it -I know I posted it already in the UY FB group; but I am very proud of my little self... bear with me-

Now it's on to try doing the side crow pose one. Not today though because arms are sore from practicing so much. I have a feeling Strength and I are gonna have some words tomorrow due to my already tired arms. But hey! it was worth it.
For lunch today I had a traditional mexican tortilla soup with some bits of chicken, avocado, fresh cheese and crispy tortilla strips all in a wonderful chicken broth mixed with several chiles that gave it a nice kick.

Today I meditated in the afternoon because when I do so before bedtime I doze off and have to catch my head as it dives down. Jeez! I could do ten minutes no problem; but twenty is turning out to be a real challenge! Those minutes just seem to drag on slow. Very slow. Anyone else out there having this same situation? I don't even wanna think how it's gonna go when we have to do half an hour. Imma be sleeping on my meditation pillow, that's what's gonna happen.
Anyway, for dinner I had one of my mixed greens salads with the usual pine nuts, alfalfa sprouts, goji berries and roasted walnuts in a green apple balsamic vinaigrette.

Off to bed early tonite to read this wonderful book I just started on Sunday. It's called "Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend: A Novel" by Matthew Dicks. It has nothing to do with yoga and it is such a wonderful read! I recommend it to all of you who want to take a breather of all things yoga -yes, sometimes there can be too much yoga- and enjoy a good read.
Strength tomorrow. Ay, ay ay...


  1. YES i feel the same way about strength - I laugh , wobble abdcfall out of positions ! Find the class HARD but enjoy the class - my feet get fatigued ! Today was hard to jump right into hard core but I persevered! I am desperately trying to strengthen my core afte baby - it's a slow progress - any tips ??? Btw wow wee on your arm balance - def a Rock star - if I tried I would be flat on my face :-)

    1. Hey Uma!
      I'm happy to see that you like Balance as well! A lot of the people I did UY with weren't so keen on it, so it felt like I was the only one cheering, lol.
      Yes! Getting ourselves back in shape after a baby is a killer! I find that what helped me the most for the core area was Pilates. That was the only thing that helped me get rid of that stubborn "pouch" and love handles. I went to my gym and took every class of Pilates I could find; and after a few months, I started seeing results. Have you ever tried Pilates?

  2. I meant feel the same way about balance !!

    1. And yes, I did fall on my face several times while practicing arm balances. At some point I ended up with a black eye, lol.

  3. Ooohh Pilates - no I haven't tried it - will check it out - that's exactly right the pouch needs to go

  4. Ooooh, I can't do that arm balance at all! I think I am too heavy lol!

    Balance is not my friend and I also use the strap and block on the same poses as you do. Hopefully I will get better with time. Can't believe I have another eight weeks of balance to go. Ugh!!

    I will try the 'standing squat' with the eagle wrap next week and let you know how I get on. x

    1. Ha! It's not an "I am too heavy" kinda thing. It is knowing where and how to place your weight, no matter how much or little it is. Know what I mean?
      With side crow it is the same thing. Just be patient: it can be lotsa fun and so rewarding when you are able to hold the pose.
