Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 51

Love Tuesdays! I love them because it's Balance Tuesday. It's not that I am great at it; but I have loads of fun with this class. Why, you ask? Well, because there are lots of cool, hard to do poses that really challenge yourself and demonstrate all you have progressed throughout the program: strength on both upper and lower body thanks to all the classes and mainly by my nemesis Strength, flexibility brought on by Yin, stamina and resistance courtesy of Cardio, Detox and Cross Train, breath and mind control a by product of Pranayama and Meditation and an all over feeling of goodness derives from Vitality. See? It all comes together here: if you can do this class, make progress and take it all in with a good attitude and a smile, it means you are doing all of the other components right.
Today my mom asked me, after she saw my arm balance picture, what did I gain from all of this. What was in it for me after spending all this time doing the program? And I didn't even know where to begin. I just looked at her with a surprised look on my face and I just summed it up like this: "Because it makes me feel strong, capable, happy and damn good about myself". What's in it for me? EVERYTHING! What a question to ask! I have never felt that my time has been better invested as it is now doing the UY. What a fabulous way to connect with myself! And what a fabulous means to meet all these extraordinary people that support and care for each other! Like Travis says; "Where would I be without these people?". Writing this blog for no one for starters, that's where ;)
Anyway, moving along. Today we went to the zoo; and let me tell you something folks: I might not like living in Valencia, but it has one damn good zoo. It's called Biopark and it's just spectacular. Here's a link so you can check it out: http://www.bioparcvalencia.es/
We had lunch as soon as we got there: we were starving! I had a breaded chicken breast and green melon for dessert. No pic of it because it wasn't that pretty to look at, so I decided to skip it. But I did take some cute pics of us doing a bit of yoga in the zoo. Here we are:

My son in Vriksasana
My husband as a big, firm Robles tree
Yours truly in Ardha Chandrasana
As we were watching the flamingoes, I couldn't help but notice these yoga poses they do without even trying hard. This could be a sign that the yoga is going to my head; but I found it funny and thought of all of you out there and that you might find these funny as well.

They don't seem to mind Forearm Plank as much as we do, huh?
Napping on one foot with head tucked in the back? Hellz, that's what I call Balance.
After seeing each and every animal there was, we headed back home where we relaxed for a bit.
For dinner I had a ham and cheese sandwich and a Greek yogurt for dessert. No pic either. This time I just plain forgot...oops! But I do have one last pic from the zoo that I just loved and I took it accidentally.

It is of my son falling out of Tree Pose. See his face? That's what we are supposed to look like whenever we fall out of something, be it a pose or be it a difficult situation in life: with a genuine smile on our face. God bless children.
Tomorrow is Wednesday. You know what that means. And I ain't smilin' about that shiznit.


  1. Made it to day 51! So close & yet so far :-)
    Been so tired lately am worried I am going to miss a day - got to be persistent ! Only another 50 some days left !!

    1. Ugh I feel you! There were some days (weeks even!) when I thought I would just flush this whole program down the loo for sure. You just gotta push through those days (as long as you don't injure yourself) and I promise you those 108 Sun Salutations are gonna taste ever so sweet ;)
