Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 57

Mellow Monday is here and Mountain Pose with it as well. I ended up doing the class at night because I just couldn't find the time to do so in the morning. It didn't worry me because it's such a relaxing class that it suited me fine to do it just a while ago. I do worry I will bore you guys on the days that we have MP; but I really can't think of more to say about it than what has already been said. So on that point, I'll go ahead and tell you about my day hoping it will keep you coming back to read some more.
In the morning I ran around as usual till it was lunchtime. Today we went to an italian restaurant that's very close to our apartment. There I had a mixed greens salad with tomatoes, croutons and pine nuts in a honey vinaigrette. It was huge, so that was all I had for lunch.

After lunch, we walked around town for a while and then we went to the movies to see Superman. I have only two words for you: Henry Cavill. Jesus Christ. Where do men like him come from?! Oh my God. I am speechless. I had loved him in the Tudors; but oh man. Superman. Those are more than two words, so I am gonna stop right here because my husband reads this blog. *I love you honey*
At the movies I had a boatload of popcorn and that always makes me feel a bit nauseous later -I never learn- so all I had for dinner was a Greek yogurt and some fruit.
Tomorrow I wil have to do Balance at night again because I am meeting my mom early in the morning to go do some stuff around town -just two more days to go!!- I will try to fit in Hardcore in early so it won't be too much to do at night. I don't think it's gonna be a smart idea to do Balance at night when I am more than tired; but I have no other choice because there is NO WAY in hellz I am getting up at 6:00 am to do it. No way. In hellz.
Hope you all had a good Monday and are ready to start liking Balance a bit more each day. It is my fave, so I am waiting to have someone to rave about it with. Have a good night and we'll see each other on our mats!


  1. Ha ha ha re Henry Cavill! My celebrity crush is Scott Eastwood, Clint Eastwood's son, droolzzzzz lol.

    Not looking forward to Balance tomorrow but I can't believe I only have two weeks left of Cycle Two! where does the time go???

    1. I know! Time flies, dude!
      And I am so over Cavill now. I lust for Chris Hemsworth. BAD. lol
