Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 87

How the hell is it Wednesday already? I still have so much to do before going on vacation! I need longer days and a clone of myself to get everything done. Hopefully things will fall into place and we'll be all set for Saturday.
Today was CrossTrain and Hardcore. Even though my back was bothering me I managed to get into CrossTrain and class flowed very nicely. When I least expected it, it was done. I can definitely say that I have this class nailed down. It's such a good workout and I can flow easily through it all. I no longer get antsy during bound side angle and balance sequence goes real well. Hopefully I'll be able to say the same thing about Strength one day *dream on*.
Today we had grilled lamb chops with pimientos de Guernica on the side. Those pimientos are typical of Spain and they are grilled with a drizzle of olive oil and finished off with coarse sea salt.

In the afternoon I ran off to the market to buy some coconut water. It is quite hard to find here, so when I get word that there are some on the shelf, I go get them.
Forgot to mention the other day that I asked Travis to come and do a workshop in Spain and he told me that if I found a studio that would feature him, he would come. Needless to say I am on the hunt for studios like crazy. I don't think it would be viable for Valencia because it's such a small city; but I'll be looking into Madrid and Barcelona. Crossing fingers I can get that ball rolling, because how freakin' cool would that be, huh?
For dinner I had a mixed greens salad with a balsamic vinaigrette. For dessert a couple of gorgeous peaches.
As you can see, not much to tell today because it's just been errand running all day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get more things done. You can't imagine how insanely I am looking forward to that week away from home. Almost there!
Well fellow yogis: tomorrow is Strength and I am hoping it'll be less exhausting. Cross your fingers for me!
Have a cool night and Namaste.

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