Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 66

Day 66. The devil's number. Of course it had to be Strength: the devil's work right on this day.
Oh man. Will I ever like this class? I seriously doubt it and when I read on FB that some people actually look forward to it, I am all O_O
Today, after doing some errands, I rolled out that mat close to noon. But guess who wasn't feeling the heat? Ale, that's who. Husband went and got me a nice old fashioned fan and I set it right in front of my mat: the whole time I had this wonderful breeze blowing and it made working out in this heat and humidity much better. I don't like to work out in an AC room because I immediately get a cold: sweaty plus ice cold air is a bad combo for me. So even though it was cursed Strength, I wasn't so antsy for it to be over.
I think I am progressing in this class because I am not so dog tired doing it as before. I find myself struggling -and grunting- less. Arms hold out better for the duration of the class and I am not tired at all for the rest of the day. But there is one part that will be the death of me and it's that itty bit of bow pose ordeal right after side arm balance flow. Just when you think you HAVE to be done because you just can give anything more...bam suckers! let's do this weird painful floating arms and legs deal. Why? Because Travis says so, that's why. Me doing it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. Only thing I like about this part is Travis' falsetto when he says "release the feeeeeet". I love that part because that's exactly what it feels like. *I hate you Strength*
Anyway, for lunch today we had a super lovely seared ahi tuna salad. There were cucumbers, onions, avocados and lamb's lettuce in a balsamic vinaigrette. There was also a spicy olive oli chile dipping sauce for the ahi tuna. Wonderfully fresh!

In the afternoon I kept decluttering away; but do you have any idea how hard it is to declutter when you have someone *husband, ahem* questioning every thing you decide has to go? I mean c'mon dude! if it hasn't been touched or looked at in SIX YEARS it's time for that thing to go. And I thought I was a hoarder...
For dinner I had a couple of the spicy prawns that were lefotver from Sunday's lunch. For dessert I had a humongous peach. Have I mentioned before how I love summer time fruit? *I know I have, but that doesn't mean I'll stop saying it* heehee.
Well yogis and yoginis, hope you had a lovely time with your Strength and I wish you all a very good night sleep.

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