Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 76

How fabulous is it that today I woke up at 11:30 am?! In my defense I did go to bed last nite at 2:00 am, but still: isn't it awesome?
Well, I got up and since it was too late to have breakfast, I just went about doing chores and decided to do Yin later in the evening. The day was absolutely lovely and we spent most of it outside chilling on the terrace.
Before I knew it, lunchtime had arrived. Today we had some nice chicken cordon bleu rolls with mashed potatoes on the side. This is one of my son's favorite dishes:

In the afternoon I took a mini nap, which surprised me because I had slept for almost ten hours straight yesterday! I spent the rest of the afternoon playing Plants vs Zombies with Mikel and I finally -finally!- gave myself a manicure. If I had Frankentoesies the other day, I don't know what to call my hands pre manicure. A disgrace, that's what. Now they are so pretty: sooooo very pretty.
Anyway, after tucking my boy away in his bed, I rolled out my mat and just melted away in Yin's magic. It all went as expected and by the end of the class I was ready to relax some more on my couch. I like doing Yin later in the day because it really sets the mood for a good night's sleep. In the future I'd like to experiment with it and do a strong class before, like maybe Cardio or CrossTrain and then slip into Yin. I'm thinking this way I'll be able to go deeper into those stretches.
While I was stretching the life outta me, my husband prepared dinner. We had smoked salmon with shaved onions, olive oil, lemon juice, capers and cream cheese.

Well yogis, tomorrow we have Cardio. I just hope it won't kick my ass like Strength did on Thursday. Keeping fingers crossed.
Gotta go, since creepy movie is on pause while I was writing this. Sending good vibes and we'll talk some mo' tomorrow.

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