Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 68

Oh damn you Detox. Damn you to hell, I say!
I was soooo not feeling the class at all today! But to Detox's defense I think I would have felt the same way towards any power yoga class today. I guess my body has gotten used to taking a break with Gentle after those powerful three classes that come before it, because today it was super out of whack.
In the morning I did some errands and took my dog to the vet because he's been having a lot of boogers in his tiny nose for a while, so I wanted her to check it out. Got the meds we needed and headed back home. Right away I rolled out my mat but it was close to 1:00 pm. The minute the class started I knew it was not going to be smooth at all. I flowed through the whole class, but found myself extremely tired doing it and just wishing I was in Shavasana all the time. I felt frustrated, exhausted and a bit angry towards the end because the class just dragged on and on and on and on....
You get the picture. Just not a good day to do yoga. The kind of day that makes the 108 goal line seem so very far away and having second thoughts about completing the cycle. I really wish there was a day we didn't have to do anything yoga related at all. Just one. It is one tough commitment doing yoga for 108 days straight. I mean: WE STARTED ON MAY 6th!! And we still have over a month to go! Oh man. Don't pay any attention to my ramblings; seems my mojo took a day off and left me all exhausted and moody. Pfft.
Moving on to lunch, then! Today we had grilled lamb ribs with a side salad of mixed greens, grilled peaches and chives in a creamy balsamic vinaigrette.

In the afternoon I did some more backed up errands and got home close to dinner time. I had a couple slices of jamón Ibérico with fresh goat cheese and a Greek yogurt for dessert. Here's our brand new leg of jamón:

I still have meditation to do, so I will get to it before it's bedtime because I don't want it to turn into a nap-ation situation.
Tomorrow there's more yoga. Yes. MORE. At least it's Mountain Pose series, yes? Also tomorrow some of you will be embarking into the raw food cleanse. I wish you the best of luck with your experience; but I will not be doing it since I honestly don't see the point of eating that way for three days, four, five or more. Just no point. I will do a vegetarian -not vegan- lifestyle for those three days as a "meet you halfway" deal.
Well yogis and yoginis: here's to hoping that tomorrow will be a better day and I'll get all motivated again, because today I was very close to turning my tv off and sending it all to hell. When you meditate today, please send me all of your good vibes so that I can get my mojo back. I know that I can always count on you guys ;)
Get a good night's rest and we'll see each other on the mat!

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