Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 69

I am so grateful for the extraordinary response I got from yesterday's blog post! I was feeling very meh about the whole program and in need of a break; but the support I found within the UY FB group lifted my spirits. I was relieved to see that I am not the only one who has gone through this tiny slump in the cycle and everyone had kind, warm words of advice for me.
I also got a comment from a dear friend on my FB personal page and that motivated me even more. He has been toying with the idea of going back to yoga and we have talked about it a bit; and in yesterday's comment he really opened my eyes and basically told me that I was giving him the final push to jump back into the yoga train and that I couldn't just quit now. Well, you are absolutely right Ro! We can do this and we can do this by staying strong and committed. Si se puede!
So, after a good tug on my ears, I am happy to say that my mojo is coming back. When I committed to this program I knew it was going to be hard to stay focused, so I promised myself to see it all the way through.
Now, there is something that I have to admit: I haven't been the best at sticking to the common sense eating plan -I am fully aware that red meat and cheeseburgers aren't in that category- but eating is one of my pleasures in life and I enjoy having a good meal after my yoga practice: it complements my day. I don't over indulge or eat unhealthy: I just eat what I like in moderation and that's good enough for me. I started out the program all hopped up on quinoa and whatnot, but I have derailed -if you wanna look at it that way- at some point. I guess we have to do what makes us happy and not try to be someone we are not, yes? Who are we fooling but ourselves? I like quinoa; but I also like red meat, I love doing yoga, I have always eaten in a mindful manner, I like to meditate because it calms my mind and makes me a bit more patient; but what I am not is one of those people that suddenly turned all holy because they can do a power yoga class. I am very sarcastic, I don't take any shit from no one and I will always be that way.
A couple of weeks ago, my best friend -Megaroo, are you reading this?- asked me if I was gonna turn all tofu-loving-no-wine-drinking-all-holy-no-curse-no-fun-shame-on-you-if-you-don't-do-yoga person and, after a good laugh, I told her "No way in hellz, guey!". That is just not me. Yoga has made me a better person and has made me take a good look inside and around me; but I am not gonna be all sitting down under a bodhi tree playing it all fake so that everyone else can see it. So, I will always be the same inside and out; it's just that so far I am now a bit more patient and understanding Ale with a killer bod to show for it. Oh lol!
So, after another one of Ale's rants, it's time to move along and comment on today's Mountain Pose. Today I had a very good night's sleep and woke up close to 11:00 am. Glorious!
I went ahead and did some stuff around the house and then did the class. Today, my son told me he wanted to do the class with me; but he only stuck around for five minutes and then left because he said it was boring... children. For me it wasn't boring at all: it was the peace and quiet that I needed and the confirmation that this program is truly wonderful. The results seen here? Totally worth it. That we are about to reach our 72 Sun Salutations? Exciting and rewarding. So no more of that demotivational nonsense: we can do this and we can do this the right way. We gotta stay strong, and to quote Travis: we gotta keep showing up.
For today's vegetarian lunch, my husband made mushroom curry with rice noodles. I got the recipe from another fellow yogini from the group that posted it a couple days back and it looked delicious. My husband added cauliflower to the mix and our rice noodles were organic rice penne pasta. I have to admit that the pasta wasn't very good: it tasted so weird! But the cauliflower, mushrooms and curry sauce were super good; so not all is lost ;)

I spent the whole afternoon out on the terrace reading my book and dozing on and off. A wonderful treat from my husband, who kept the little dude entertained all day. Aaaahh... just what I needed to refuel and regain my hope.
For dinner I had a fruit salad with fresh figs, peaches, red plums and manila mangoes. For dessert? You guessed it: a Greek yogurt.

Tomorrow we head out to the beach -yes!- and I'll do Gentle before we leave so it will set the mellow mood for the rest of the day.
Once again: thanks for all the support and kind words. They mean much more than you can imagine. And, when in doubt remember:

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