Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 72

Oh my. We made it! We have been doing yoga for seventy two days straight! It is not an easy feat, let me tell you, but you already know this. We have been through sore times, dog tired times, happy times, bewildered times -arm balances and lifting feet through impossible poses-, doubtful times and ecstatic times like today. We have seen it through and we are still going strong. What an amazing feeling this is! Those who are not doing the program and read this might be rolling their eyes and saying all this sounds corny; but you and I, that are immersed in this, know that having achieved what we have and seeing the progress and results that we have seen, gives us a feeling of self admiration and respect that nothing can take away now. Imagine how we are going to feel when we reach the 108 mark! We won't be able to contain ourselves!
Today I hurried up as much as I could in the morning so that I could do my 72 Sun Salutations. I was like a little girl waiting to open a present. Before I started, I weighed myself again and here are the numbers: last time -day 36- I weighed 125 lbs with fat levels at 26.6 and a daily calorie intake of 2081. Today my weight is at 125 lbs with fat levels at 26.8 and a daily calorie intake of 2066. So as you can see I am pretty much the same. Finally I got everything ready and turned off my phone so I could do the Salutations in peace.
I have to confess that I was a little nervous about not being able to do them because I would get too tired and whatnot. Well, what a nice surprise it was to see that I did them all and I did them all strong and focused. I could have easily kept going with no problem whatsoever. The first few SS I kept glancing at my tv to see if I was in sync; when I finally got the groove around SS 7 I just went with my breath and the music. By the way, what lovely and inspiring music this DVD has! I loved it! I was also happy to see that I was exactly on point with the rest of the guys in the video. When I least expected it, we were at the 72 mark and I stopped. I have no words to describe how good it felt to do them, and to do them with such ease. God! how I love yoga.
Here are some pics of myself that my husband took yesterday. I can see much improvement in alignment, core strenght and balance. Here they are:

Crow Pose
Crow Pose
Bound Malasana
Flying Pigeon Pose
Ardha Chandrasana
Arm balance
After a nice long shower, we had a lovely lunch out on the terrace. Today we had grilled pork chops with veggies on the side with a cream cheese sauce to dip them in.

In the afternoon I was happy to see that my arms weren't sore at all after the Salutations. I thought there would be some discomfort, but nope. Also, forgot to mention before, I didn't sweat as much as I thought I would, and this is huge coming from me. I sweat so much more in other classes. All in all it was a pleasant surprise to see that I have built up a nice physical stamina.
Later on, for dinner I had some of that lovely Jamon Iberico -welcome back meat!- with some brie and bread. Lovely dinner to complement such a meaningful day.
Tomorrow we get CrossTrain back in the schedule! Looking forward to it because it is one of my top faves.
Hope you all had an amazing day and are all fueled up for this next final block of the cycle. Sending much love and good vibes your way.

Me at day 72


  1. Hey Beauty - I finally read through day 72 and 73. I am SO proud of you! You look amazing and you have found something important and essential - just what you were looking for, no? I love you my dear friend! - M

    1. Oh my Megaroo! Thanks so much guey! It is so much fun to be able to do those arm balances correctly. I can't believe how much I have improved! I am tired as hell, but happy ;)
      I love you bunches and bunches and miss you tons more...
