Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 58

Who in their right mind dislikes Balance? Who? Ca-razy people, that's who!
Today I ended up doing the class in the morning after all. I hurried like a mad woman in the morning doing my errands and was able to squeeze it in.
I already love Balance as it is, with all my wobbling, tipping and falling; but when I see progress, I love it even more. Today I was able to hold that arm balance the whole time! You know the one: where we are in down dog and then we touch left elbow with left knee and Travis says that those who wish to do the arm balance can go ahead and do so? That one! The whole time! Man does that feel good! On the other hand, I was not able to do crow at all because I was wearing shorts and was all sweaty, so I just kept skidding down every time I tried. I have to remember and wear capris for Balance during summer time. It was damn funny tho.
After a quick shower, I met my mom and we all went for lunch to one of those restaurants that my husband and I had seen several times and each time said that "We should try it sometime" but always forgot. -That ever happen to you? Happens a lot to us- So, we finally went there and bam! It is super, super good! We are definitely going back soon. It's called Marc 4 Tapas and Burgers and they have a very nice and varied menu with interesting, new dishes that make you wanna order the whole thing, ya know? The restaurant is decorated nicely and the service was very good -strange thing here in Valencia-. We ordered from their daily fixed menu and here is what they brought:

Chilled watermelon gazpacho

Mixed greens salad with teriyaki chicken fingers

Mini bacon and cheese burger with potato crisps on the side

After lunch, my mom and I went shopping around town for a couple hours and found some cute things. The downside is that yesterday was the beginning of Spain's famous summer sales where prices drop to the floor and the shopes were packed. PACKED. I am soooo not a fan of shopping this way: I like to take my time and enjoy my shopping experience. People get mean around these days! I understand they are saving money, but that doesn't give you a license to be nasty, rude and mean. Pfft to all of you uneducated Spanish people who behave that way. Shame on you! One should never loose composure and class; but then again, that is something you are born with and some people here lack it COMPLETELY. But this is a topic for another blog or book that I will someday write: "My trials and tribulations while living in Spain". It is bound to be a bestseller. It is also bound to upset some Spanish people along the way; but it will be truthful, I promise you that.
Anyway, we got home close to dinner time, so I rolled out that mat and did Hardcore at warp speed.
For dinner I wasn't very hungry so I had a Greek yogurt and some fruit. I know what you are thinking: this woman doesn't eat a decent dinner! Well, it is mostly due to the heat and humidity now that it's summer. I find that high temps don't make me as hungry as in winter time, for example. This works divine because it's bikini season, so I am not complaining at all ;)
Tomorrow is my mom's last day here in Valencia. I am doing a shimmy dance right now: can you see me? Hahaha! But on the other side I feel bad because she hates saying goodbye to my son and she gets very depressed for a few days. Oh well, she'll be back soon enough. For now, I am looking forward to getting back to my good ole routine.
Strength tomorrow? I laugh in the face of Strength! Strength was surviving my mom's visit for 15 days! I call that a win.

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