Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 59

Big, big mistake doing Strength today at night. Big. Huge. Will never, ever do this again.
First let me tell you why I ended up doing cursed Strength at 9:30 pm.
In the morning, as much as I tried, I just couldn't find the time. Between giving my dog a bath -which he urgently needed-, picking up around the house and taking care of my son, by the time I looked at my watch I had to jump in the shower and head out to lunch.
Since it was my mom's last day here, we took her to one of our fave restaurants right on the beach to have one of Valencia's typical dishes. It is lobster paella. Oh my God with the yumness.

After lunch, we walked on the pier and then headed out to the Apple store, where Grandma was being Grandma and bought my son an iPad. I really think this is not appropriate for an eight year old, but try telling that to my mother. No point. Now my eight year old midget has a better, more powerful iPad than me. Such is life. The good life ;)

So finally, by the time we got home, had dinner, put my kid down for bed, said goodbye to mom -poor thing was really sad...breaks my heart a little-, synced new iPad and fed the dog it was time to roll out that mat.
Sweet mother of God. I can not believe how much I sweated! My calves were sweating! My forearms were sweating! How can that even be possible?! Damn it, was it hard! Strength is always hard but this was beyond hard. It was torture hard. It was "I am pissed" hard. It was "I am still pissed" hard.
Dinner, you ask? A big glass of ice cold Coke Zero. Healthy? No. Do I care? Not at all.
Now excuse me while I go die on my couch before I go to bed.


  1. Way to go! At least you did not skip it and veg in front of the tv.

    1. Yeah! Haven't skipped a day yet. Hope it stays that way ;)

  2. Ha ha ha oh what a great post! Made me lol. I love Strength though so stop bad mouthing it ha ha ha! 💪🏼

    1. Hehe... I had forgotten about that day. I think Strength is like childbirth: our minds "forget" the pain so we can have another one. Did I have a second child? Hell no. Did I ever do Strength again after UY? HELLZ NO.
      nuff said.

    2. Ha ha ha, you are the too funny!!! Today's Strength was tough as I didn't have much energy, but I got through it on sheer determination. Can't wait for Gentle on Friday lol.
